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Plantar Fasciitis

Plantar Fasciitis services offered in Provo, UT

Plantar fasciitis refers to heel and arch pain that stems from inflammation on the bottom of your foot. If you wake up in the morning with unbearable foot pain or find that your feet throb after exercise — signs of plantar fasciitis — Dr. Jeffrey Hammond, DPM, of Hammond Foot and Ankle in Provo, Utah, can help. Click the online scheduling tool or call to book your plantar fasciitis evaluation at the office today. 

Plantar Fasciitis Q & A

What is plantar fasciitis? 

Plantar fasciitis is a general term for chronic inflammation of your plantar fascia, a long band of connective tissue in your foot. Your plantar fascia stretches from the base of your toes all the way across your arch to your heel.

With every step you take, your plantar fascia lengthens and contracts. It can withstand years of supporting your body weight and added pressure from running, walking, and jumping. While your plantar fascia is quite durable, it’s also very prone to injury and inflammation that results in plantar fasciitis.

Anyone of any age can suffer from plantar fasciitis. However, your risk is higher if you have overpronation issues, are overweight, or have heel spurs (heel spur syndrome). Plantar fasciitis is also a leading sports injury.

When should I see a podiatrist for plantar fasciitis?

Your feet shouldn’t cause you pain, especially daily. It’s important to come to see Dr. Hammond for a plantar fasciitis evaluation if you have arch or heel pain that peaks first thing in the morning.

The sudden weight you put on your plantar fascia when you stand after getting out of bed — or after getting up from sitting for long periods — causes your plantar fascia to suddenly stretch out. You may find that the more you walk around, the more your plantar fasciitis resolves as the connective tissues stretch out.

You should also schedule an appointment for a plantar fasciitis evaluation if you experience:

- Foot pain that’s worse after exercise
- Swelling on the insides of your ankles
- Difficulty walking because of foot pain

With on-site imaging available at the office, Dr. Hammond can quickly diagnose the cause of your foot pain and counsel you about treatment options.

How does a podiatrist treat plantar fasciitis?

Most plantar fasciitis treatment plans begin with a combination of nonsurgical solutions. Dr. Hammond might recommend:

- Regular icing
- Orthotic devices
- Physical therapy
- Anti-inflammatory medications
- Customized stretching exercises- MLS Laser Therapy

Surgery is rarely necessary for plantar fasciitis. But if your flare-ups continue after several months of conservative treatments, Dr. Hammond might recommend surgically releasing your plantar fascia, removing heel spurs, or making any other necessary repairs to help you get the lasting relief you deserve.

Before plantar fasciitis causes you another day of foot pain, contact Hammond Foot and Ankle to get started on treatment. You can book a plantar fasciitis exam online or by phone today.
Plantar Fasciitis